Biden’s Student Loan Reform Was An Important Step In Pushing For A $15 Minimum Wage

President Biden’s recent student loan reform was an important step in pushing for a $15 minimum wage, according to an expert.

This is how the President’s reform could help pave the way for a better future for low-wage workers across the country.

federal funds biden student scholorship

On Wednesday, the Biden administration unveiled a student loan forgiveness policy that scales with its proposed national $15 minimum wage. The White House plan would forgive up to $20,000 in federal student debt per borrower, and extend the current payment pause through the end of 2022.

President Biden and many Democrats have called for a $15 hourly wage floor across the U.S. The policy was scrapped as part of negotiations around a social spending package in 2021, and hasn’t yet mustered enough support for passage in Congress. Biden in January issued an executive order for federal workers and employees of federal contractors to receive a $15 minimum wage.

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  1. Pingback: Biden announced forgiving $20,000 in student loan debt

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